Overview of Our Services


MAT undertakes comprehensive power audit for all clients who express the need or are determined, by Modern Age Technologies, to have the need. Since the electrical environment is usually transitory, there is the need for occasional or periodic monitoring to identify the existing parameters at any given time. This comprehensive power audit involves a thorough analysis of the following:

  • Voltage fluctuations
  • Frequency
  • Load distribution
  • Crest Factor
  • Harmonic Distortions
  • Surge Activities
  • K Factor
  • Power Consumption
  • Power Factor

MAT uses a high precision power analyzer to gather empirical data on the above indices and analyzes data for clients. This Power Audit reveals all power problems and identifies solutions accordingly. For clients who wish to set up very sophisticate environments,Power audit may be required prior to the set up.Modern Age Technologies specialises in such site preparation work

MAT determine the size and specification of power protection equipment for any operational set- ups. Consultancy services are also provided for continuous monitoring of equipment performance. We provide Cost/Benefit analysis of any equipment deployment in any setup


About 75% of our work involves the provision of after sales support. With very critical environment, MAT provides

24/7 services. Less critical environments get appropriate service level.


MAT can Network all your UPS so that you can remotely monitore them through a Small Network Mamagement Protocol NETWORK CARD. The UPS can be viewed ,controlled and even shut down or start up as wished remotely.


MAT also design and install standard and efficient electrical wiring systems to ensure even distribution of electricity at clients' facilties


About ten years ago Ghana became the first country in West Africa to install an X-ray stationary cargo scanning facility. Previous to this, most scanning facilities were mobile units. Modern Age Technologies, together with Heiman Systems of France, constructed West Africa’s first stationary X-ray cargo scanning facility in Ghana. After the warranty period, nine years ago, Modern Age Technologies has provided maintenance support for the system since. Today, the X-ray cargo scanning system handles most of the cargo imports to Ghana Through its maintenance support, Modern Age Technologies has made this possible.

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